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View your clipboard with desktop notifications

Desktop Notification with Dunst
Figure 1 Desktop Notification with Dunst

Dunst is a simple and lightweight program that provides highly customizable notifications in Linux environments. One of the applications I immediately thought of when I found out this program is displaying the contents of the clipboard. The process is straightforward: it involves sending the output of xclip to both the system clipboard and the primary clipboard as a desktop notification using notify-send.

Before proceeding, make sure to install the following dependencies:

  • notify-send - Sends desktop notifications.
  • xclip - Manages the clipboard. It is part of the popular X display server xorg.
  • dunst - A daemon that receives and displays notifications on the screen.

Once all the dependencies are installed, you can execute the Bash script without any issues. Remember to make the file executable.


clip=$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)
prim=$(xclip -o -selection primary)

[ -n "$clip" ] && notify-send "clipboard" "$clip"
[ -n "$prim" ] && notify-send "primary" "$prim"

One way to enhance this function is to bind the script to a keyboard shortcut. In my case, I have it configured for SUPER + F1.